Local Nature Reserves (LNR) are specifically designated areas of land owned, managed and maintained by the Wokingham Borough Council Countryside Service whose aim is to provide day-to-day management and conservation – the Countryside Service is based at Dinton Pastures Country Park and an important feature of their work is the active involvement of local communities.
The avenue of Horse-Chestnuts in Keephatch Woodland
The aim of the WBC Countryside Service is:
'To balance the conflicting demands made upon the area by conservation and recreation'
Their objectives are, through:
Biodiversity - to:
Maintain and enhance the woodland and scrub habitat
Maintain and enhance the pond habitat
Maintain and enhance the grassland habitat
Monitor and record the wildlife
Interaction - to:
Welcome visitors
Maintain access and the integrity of the site boundaries
Actively involve local communities
Regularly to evaluate success of on-going management
'To balance the conflicting demands made upon the area by conservation and recreation'
Their objectives are, through:
Biodiversity - to:
Maintain and enhance the woodland and scrub habitat
Maintain and enhance the pond habitat
Maintain and enhance the grassland habitat
Monitor and record the wildlife
Interaction - to:
Welcome visitors
Maintain access and the integrity of the site boundaries
Actively involve local communities
Regularly to evaluate success of on-going management