In conjunction with the WBC Countryside Service, residents can assist in a variety of ways including help with Working Parties or ‘Wildlife Action Days’ – tackling specific tasks such as opening up the ponds and removing rubbish, periodical ‘litter picking’ or just being ‘eyes and ears’ in helping to keep these areas ‘clean’ and minimise the damaging consequences of neglect.
If you want to help or become involved in any way, please join us and register your support or your interest by contacting Keephatch Friends. This will ensure that you receive up-to-date news by email on what is happening.
Please join us!
A big and very sincere THANK YOU to all those involved in making the Working Parties so successful - on only two days last year a total of some 40 enthusiastic folks, 'young and old', gave up some of their spare time to help with starting to clear the Willowherb Pond and the 'un-named' pond - it was good to see so many willing (and muddy!) hands! Well done!!
Click to see the Keephatch Friends Photo Album
The next Working Party will be held on Saturday 2nd May 2009
Time: 10am until 1pm
Meet venue: By the 'Gatehouse' pond
Objective: Helping the Rangers to clear the reeds and cut back willow
What to wear: Please come in old clothes and stout footwear plus gardening gloves if you have them.
Equipment: All will be provided but if you have a spade this would be helpful.
The provisional dates for future 2009 Working Parties are:
19th September 2009 - woodland work and bonfire!14th November 2009